Repairing iPhone 4 No Power ~ Basic Hardware Tips And Tricks


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Repairing iPhone 4 No Power

History: water damage

First thing first, that is basic troubleshooting
1. Open the unit, check if grounded/shorted. Not shorted/grounded. Also check board by visual checking.
2. Replace battery and try to power it on. Still can't power on.
3. Connect usb charger to laptop and see if it connect or asking for usb driver. No reaction.
4. I always do this, remove lcd and connect it again to laptop. Finally it connect! I thought LCD set was damage. but when I replace LCD set, still it doesn't power on.
5. Analyze.... While I'm thinking I notice a heat up on power IC and other neighboring components.
6. What I did is to connect its positive and negative terminal to power supply and found out that output current is not normal when you press power on(with LCD attach)
7. But when powered it on without LCD attach, current output is normal. Aha!
8. I Immediately check the LCD connector ways and here's what I've found:

9. The 2 capacitors are shorted.. Removing these 2 fixed my problem.



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