Repairing iPhone 4 Wet Unit ~ Basic Hardware Tips And Tricks


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Repairing iPhone 4 Wet Unit

I got this wet iPhone 4 few days ago, and the board was shorted when I checked it on my analog tester after I disassembled. When a unit is shorted I use to connect it on my power supply with 3.8V. When I connect it to my digital power supply with 3.8 volts, my power supply shorts, or in other words it will display 0V and 0A. This will prove that the unit has a full short.... When this happens I use to turn down the voltage on my digital power supply. I use 1.3 volts. Then I connect again to the board, and it displays high ampere current, but my power supply doesn't short. That's good! The next thing I used to to is to touch the iPhone 4 board and feel if there's a component that is hot or heating. The most common components that easily heats up are capacitors.

Finally I traced the hot component. And that is the camera flash IC. This IC is sealed. I removed the camera flash IC via hot air. After removing, the shorted is gone. I assembled the iPhone 4 immediately. Viola!

I explained to the customer that I don't have that kind of IC. I told her that the most important thing is that her iPhone can now be use :) Hirap talaga mag english. Dugo na ilong ko huhuhuhu.

remove camera flash ic



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